During this last full week of August, it’s okay to be thrilled about enjoying summer fun after a busy workday. Humidity and hot temperatures will be a distant memory in a few months and now is as good of a time as ever to embrace summer to the fullest.

Part Three of a three-part series.

Eat OutsideFollowing are three ideas to consider when planning dinner with a twist of summer.

  • Dine al fresco whenever possible. Cook and plate your food as usual. Then, with loved ones and a citronella candle in tow, head outdoors to enjoy dinner under the stars.
  • Pack a picnic dinner and head to the local lake, river, pond, or park.
  • Plan meals that include the summery foods you crave in January. Think: peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, cherries, berries, watermelon, summer squash, tomatoes and basil, cucumbers…

Bon appetit!

* Photo by Paul Lloyd

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