Dust PanThe end of April is upon us, and in advance of the spring cleaning extravaganza that often takes place in households and yards every May, I’d like to go on record as saying: “Declutter, organize, and clean up your house, yard,  etc. only if you actually want to do these things.” If the words “should” or “feel like I have to” creep into a sentence about spring cleaning, then there is the possibility that you might not actually want to declutter or organize at that moment. And that’s perfectly acceptable. A-okay. Totally fine. The key here is that you should do whatever most closely aligns with your version of organizational bliss. Always.

Last year, I wrote about what happens when you capitalize on organization motivation. The logistical bliss experience that I shared in that post still rings true today, and it remains very instructive to me. And so I write today’s very brief post as a friendly reminder to do that which you are inspired to do – in the spring cleaning department, and in every aspect of life. And now I’ll get off of my soapbox. Cheers!

* Photo by Jean Scheijen

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